Our Story


Preservation Pattern is the culmination of my experience as a preservationist, mechanical engineer, pattern maker, and foundry quality engineer. I got my start in the preservation field by a master patternmaker teaching me the craft. I have gone on to produce countless patterns for steam locomotive restoration and construction projects, and advise tooling strategies for many other projects. Preservation Pattern was the logical next step as I strive to broaden preservation groups’ access to foundries and facilitate restorations and reconstructions of the highest caliber.

Whether it’s a replacement for a broken, worn-out, or missing casting, or even redesigning a component in a historically appropriate manner, we can help you get the quality castings you need while balancing your timeline, resource, regulatory, and historic concerns. Each project is unique, and in our 21st century pattern shop we can use a variety of techniques and technologies ranging from the tried and true methods of the masters to modern technologies such as CNC machining, 3D printed patterns, and even 3D printed sand mold components. With this diversity in capabilities, we can simplify even the most complex castings and expedite the production process.

Alan Downey

Alan Downey